Job Control Language (JCL) are used to Specify, to the operating system, the beginning and end of a job in a batch.
Job Control Language (JCL) are used to Specify, to the operating system, the beginning and end of a job in a batch.
Boundary registers track the beginning and ending of programs
Round-robin scheduling gives each task the same chance at the processor
Four necessary conditions for deadlock to exist are: mutual exclusion, no-preemption, circular wait and hold and wait
Page-map table is used for address translation
Dispatcher assigning ready process to the CPU
The table created by lexical analysis to describe all literals used in the source program, is Literal table
The term 'polling' in a computer means a process by which a computer system inquires to see if a terminal has any transaction to send
File record length should be chosen to match the data characteristics
Terminal Table a permanent table which lists all key words and special symbols of the language in symbolic form
Round-robin is a pre-emptive scheduling algorithm.
Paging is a method of memory allocation by which the program is subdivided into equal portions, or pages and core is subdivided into equal portions or blocks.
Scheduling is allowing jobs to use the processor.
Semaphores synchronize critical resources to prevent deadlock